Essential oils, known as "nature’s living energy", are the natural, aromatic, volatile liquids found in leaves, stems, bark, flowers, seeds, and roots which defend plants against insects, environmental conditions and disease. Essential oils are extracted from aromatic plant sources via several extraction methods (e.g. steam distillation). The result is a highly concentrated and potent oil. Essential oils are used for aromatherapy, massage therapy, emotional health, personal care, nutritional supplements and much more. They are able to replace many of the items in our medicine cabinets without the side effects that synthetic medicines risk.
When inhaled, the oils are processed through the olfactory system. Common techniques for inhaling include:
INHALE DIRECTLY: simply smell the oil straight from the bottle or from a small drop of an oil on the palm of your hand.
DIFFUSER: creates a micro-fine vapor or mist spreading the aromatic benefits of the oil through the air.
STEAM: Pour hot water into a bowl and add a few drops of essential oil. Then lower your face a few inches from the bowl, cover your head and bowl with a towel, then breathe deeply and slowly.
CAUTION: Only Use as Directed by a Certified Consultant.
This involves applying the oil directly to the skin. Some oils must be first diluted with a carrier oil prior to use. Some key areas for topical application are:
Crown of head
Behind the ears
Upper back
Over vital organs
Soles and tops of feet
CAUTION: Only Use as Directed by a Certified Consultant.
This involves ingesting an oil orally. Methods include,
1. DRINKING: add a drop of oil into a glass of water and drink
2. ROOF OF MOUTH: place a small drop of an oil in the palm of your hand, then dabbing your thumb in the oil, then place your thumb on the roof of your mouth.
CAUTION: Only Use as Directed by a Certified Consultant.